Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Baby Banana Pants' Pow-Wow Quilt

Peter took a three hour nap this morning that allowed me to get the quilting done on Baby Banana Pants' quilt. I decided on straight lines down the length of the quilt in sets of three, two and three. It's hard to see in the photo, and it didn't photograph well, so you'll just have to trust me. Later in the afternoon he was happy to sit in his swing and watch me bind the quilt. Peter was very cooperative; his cousin will have to thank him someday as I wasn't sure I was ever going to get this done, or at least not in time for BBP's arrival.

When I went to make the backing a couple of weeks ago I thought I remembered how to make the arrow blocks so I set in without re-reading the directions. This is the result of not re-reading the directions; I guess I didn't actually remember. Mike commented that he liked it and thought it was cool because it was complimentary but not identical. So yeah, I meant to do that!

I can't say that this is my favorite quilt I've ever made. I underestimated how much white was in the prints, and I think the prints are too large for the pattern. I should have gotten fabric that was more solid with smaller prints. Oh well, not every quilt can be my favorite. The important thing is that it is made with lots of love! I can't wait to meet BBP in October!!