Sunday, October 30, 2011

...with hammer & nails

Mike and I are anticipating the arrival of our pullets next weekend. We decided not to get chicks so we don't have to buy all the extra equipment to raise them up right (some parents we'll make). The pullets will be around 20 weeks old so they will practically be full grown hens and ready for a coop. We converted an old rabbit hutch into a coop with a roost and two nest boxes. Then we enclosed the area around the coop with fencing to give the hens some room to run around during the day. It might be a little on the ghetto side, but we did this without much of a plan and it turned out great. As long as it keeps the rats, skunks and racoons out we will be happy. So here it is...

The human entrance...
The nest box and hutch...
The nest boxes...
The coop...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

KitchenAid Mixer Cover

We have no more cupboard space so we have to keep our shiny new KitchenAid mixer on the fridge when we're not using it. I decided I want to keep it shiny and the best way to do that is to keep it covered. So I made this quilted cover today -- it took longer than expected, but was a nice little project to get some more quality time in with my new sewing machine (which I am loving).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Oopsie the Octopus

Olivia is turning one on Friday, so I made her this cuddly octopus. It's made out of minky fabric and is super soft. Happy first birthday, Olivia!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Place in Your Book

Mike and I are having a post-wedding potluck on Saturday and I wanted to make a little favor for our guests. I found the basic template for this bookmark on one of my favorite craft sites -- It took a little manipulating to add the beetles and the words, but we wanted to make it personal. With Mike's help, we put these together tonight. Hope our guests find a place in their books for these!