Saturday, May 11, 2013

"It's my purple blanky!"

I can finally post a picture of the entire quilt now. Libby opened the box yesterday over skype and exclaimed, "It's my purple blanky!" She apparently really likes the quilt and pillow and was dragging them around everywhere. Tasha and Josh had to have a talk with her about how the quilt needs to stay on her bed so it doesn't get dirty or torn. It's hard for me to believe that she could even drag it around considering its size to her petiteness. I'm really glad she likes it, it makes me feel closer to her when I'm so far away.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Disc Golf Bag

I've been feeling a little sad that I'm all done with Libby's quilt, so I needed a quick sewing pick-me-up today. I whipped up this bag to tote around my disc golf discs.